The Difference Between Books, Audiobooks, and T.V.

Have you ever wonder what happens when you read a book, or if audio books might be helpful for you, or maybe no books, just letting your mind rest there in front of the T.V. Now these are all great examples of entertainment but which one is better? Lets talk about books for a second, I prefer them, they’re great for your eyes and mind, but are they really for you? Think about it, do you really like books just as much as the person sitting next to you. You may have never even tried an audio book thinking that hardback books are better for you. Maybe they are, but how do you really know?

This brings me to audio books, I personally recommend them to verbal learners, or people always on the go. While walking down the sidewalk you could finish Eragon or Harry Potter, maybe just turn the speakers on and lie down while you listen to chapter 2 of The Giver. The only problem with them is if you have a bad talker or narrator you could end up not enjoying the book at all. Just get so bored listening to the same voice miserably failing to talk to you you just go downstairs and watch T.V. But the real question was even with the narrator you were improving you hearing, and listening which could help in school a ton. Doesn’t even damage you eyesight with a screen. That’s also why I chose tv for last.

You might be surprised by what I’m about to tell you but every now in then T.V. Doesn’t hurt that bad to watch. It lets you mind roam free, relaxing itself freeing itself from the world around you. Just not thinking as an easier way to put it. I’m not saying lie in front if the T.V. For hours at a time, that can seriously damage your eyes just so you know, but really T.V. Can be good for you. So that sums up my conclusion, they are all great ways to help improve your mind and senses so you never know you might want to try it from time to time.


5 thoughts on “The Difference Between Books, Audiobooks, and T.V.

  1. I agree with you that TV can be a good thing. Good television is good writing–good storytelling–in a format that can be soooo very engaging!

  2. Great post… I find one key difference in the ways we entertain ourselves is how much we get to participate or be involved in the process, especially in creating the visual story… so a book lets you create the look and feel more than a movie or a TV program, to the point when you see a movie after you read a book you can’t help but to compare to the visual story you helped create in your mind. Video games let a person interact more than a movie or TV show as well… I like all of them, especially when they challenge me to think really hard.

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