About Me

Hello! if you haven’t guessed already my name is Evan and I have my very own blog. I play sports like lacrosse, football. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese, and dumplings. My favorite collage team is U.T. (Short for university of Texas). I have a family of 7, counting me eight. My siblings names are Eli, Ethan, Darren, Megan, and Krissi. My dogs name is buddy and he wont stop licking people. My hope for future collage is Stanford. I also enjoy gaming with freinds.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Evan this is Brittany! I go to a school in Austin and am currently in seventh grade. Do you live in Austin?
    I also love to play sports! I play on the volleyball team, and play softball outside of school. And I also have a pretty big family. I am part of a group of triplets, me my brother Rocco, and Chase, and I have four older brothers and a younger sister! So that’s a family of ten!! I hope you learned a lot about me, and it was nice reading about you! You make great posts, keep up the good work!!

  2. Hi Evan
    I’m a teacher from Victoria in Australia, taking part in the student blogging challenge. My classes aren’t involved this year so I’m visiting other people instead.
    You’ve written some very atmospheric descriptive pieces on your blog, and the illustration of the tarantula was really creepy. I’m looking forward to reading more as you work through the challenges in the coming weeks. Keep checking back to the blog to see what the tasks are. Should be fun!
    Regards from Oz

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