What The Future Holds

Flying cars, hoverboards, super far away in time, but is it really that far away. A couple days ago a video went viral on a company called hvr tech. This video showed off an amazing thing that we know today as the hoverboard. The video also showed how easy it was to use and how much technology it has on it, that was until people started saying it was a fake. Over and over again these things happen, an amazing invention comes out, it gets shut down, and then it gets released and everyone goes crazy.

For example on this topic im going to go to Omni tech which created the first househole gaming treadmill which creates it to where you get to walk around and exercise in real life while running in the game. A groundbreaking invention which then was believed to be a hoax, soon became reality when it got put on the well known show named shark tank. These things create the world that we know today forming it and shaping it until before we know it it becomes reality.

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